Disasters | Displacements | Climate Action

Research for Development
Modalities of Power in climate-related Planned Relocation in the Philippines
with Justin See, Brooke Wilmsen, and Pearly Joy Peja
Geoforum (Under 1st Review)
Building Resilience or Reinforcing Vulnerability? The Enduring Allure of Hard Infrastructure as Adaptation
with Justin See, Sophie Webber, Aaron Opdyke, and Pearly Joy Peja
Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space (Under 1st Review)
COVID-19 impacts on the resilience of disaster-displaced communities: Evidence from a capability-based assessment in the Philippines
with Masaru Yarime and Yvonne Su
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science (Under Revision)
Uncovering the Drivers of Climate Gentrification in the Global South: Case Study of Tacloban City, Philippines
with Justin See, Brooke Wilmsen, and Pearly Joy Peja
Political Geography (Under 3rd Review)
Unpacking water governance dynamics and its implications for household water security in post-disaster resettlement communities in the Philippines [PDF]
with Yvonne Su, Pamela Katic, and Masaru Yarime
Geoforum (2024)
From Absences to Emergences: Foregrounding traditional and Indigenous climate change adaptation knowledges and practices from Fiji, Vietnam, and the Philippines [PDF]
with Justin See, Pryor Placino, Suliasi Vunibola, Huong Do Thi, Kelly Dombroski, and Katharine McKinnon
World Development (2024)
Why Context, Holism, and Scale Matter in Super Typhoon Yolanda Research [PDF]
with Justin See and Brooke Wilmsen
Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints (2023)
Potentials and Pitfalls of Social Capital Ties to Climate Change Adaptation: An exploratory study of Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines [PDF]
with Yvonne Su
Third World Quarterly (2023)
Two decades of rice research in Indonesia and the Philippines: A systematic review and research agenda for the social sciences [PDF]
with Laurence Delina
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (2022)
Typhoon Haiyan survivors at the resettlement sites: COVID-19 pandemic realities and challenges [PDF]
with Ladylyn Mangada
Dialogues in Health (2022)
SDG Final Decade of Action: Resilient Pathways to Build Back Better from High-Impact Low-Probability (HILP) Events [PDF]
with Felix Kwabena Donkor, Stergios-Aristoteles Mitoulis, Sotirios Argyroudis, Hassan Aboelkhair, Juan Antonio Ballesteros Canovas, Ahmad Bashir, Samo Diatta, Maral Habibi, Daniel Hölbling, Lance Manuel, Maria Pregnolato, Rodrigo Rudge Ramos Ribeiro, Athanasios Sfetsos, Naeem Shahzad, and Christiane Werner
Sustainability (2022)
A topic modeling analysis on the early phase of COVID-19 response in the Philippines [PDF]
with Las Johansen Caluza and Joshua Francisco Neo
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (2021)
Indigenous Peoples and the COVID-19 Social Amelioration Program in Eastern Visayas, Philippines: Perspectives from Social Workers [PDF]
with Yvonne Su
Journal of Indigenous Social Development (2020)
Local-Indigenous Knowledge on Disaster Risk Reduction: Insights from the Mamanwa Indigenous peoples in Basey, Samar after Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines [PDF]
with Yvonne Su
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (2020)
Philippines Higher Education Institutions in the time of COVID-19 Pandemic [PDF]
Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala (2020)
Fertility, Sex, and Reproductive Health Dynamics after typhoon Yolanda in Tacloban North, Philippines [PDF]
with Ladylyn Mangada
Social Science Diliman: A Philippine Journal of Society and Change (2020)
The Overseas Filipino Workers in Poland: Maternal migration and its effects on children and families left behind [PDF]
with Jeany Rose Teguihanon
Regional Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (2020)
​A post-disaster gendered value chain analysis on seaweed farming after Super Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines [PDF]
Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy (2019)
Humanitarian Accountability in Post-Haiyan Response in the Philippines [PDF]
INTERMESTIC Journal of International Studies (2019)
Post-Disaster Relocation of Urban Coastal Communities in the Philippines [PDF]
Andalas Journal of International Studies (2019)
A post-disaster study of a women-led handicraft industry in rural Philippines [PDF]
Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy (2019)
Book Chapter
Technology and Innovations in COVID-19 Response: The Philippines from January to May 2020. [PDF]
With Miriam Caryl Carada
Health Informatics and Technological Solutions for Coronavirus (COVID-19) (2021)
Academic Blogs
Exploring Resettlement in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Adaptation
Global Souths Hub (2022)
Perspectives in the DRRM agenda in the Philippines
with Yvonne Su and Masaru Yarime
Philippine Daily Inquirer (2022)
with Yvonne Su and Ara Joy Pacoma
Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI) (2022)